Catherine Murphy, DDS, MSD’s love of dentistry goes beyond appreciating the beauty of a bicuspid.
Her mission is to elevate patient care by introducing a holistic approach to orthodontic treatment to dental professionals across the nation.
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Dynamic Presentations

Holistic Orthodontics: Beyond Straightening Teeth

In this course, discover the connections between proper rest oral posture, mouth breathing, and restricted oral tissues and their impact on creating stunning, healthy, sustainable smiles.
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The First 1,000 Days

Explore the connection between maternal oral health and pregnancy health. Illuminate the symptoms and complications associated with sleep disordered breathing in the infant, toddler, and pregnant mother.
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Take3forMeTM: Self-Care for Even the Busiest of Schedules

In this presentation, learn a self-care routine that requires only 3 minutes per day. Recognize mindfulness practices which enhance outlook and generate health benefits.
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“Dr. Murphy is an engaging speaker presenting on current and relevant topics. I would most definitely recommend her as a presenter. I always love her lectures and seminars.”

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